Sunday, 2 March 2008

Sleepless nights and blogging

Two o'clock am. What is it about this very unmagical time? It is becoming almost predictable that I'm going to be awake. Does age do it? Doubt it because Shirley is just one year younger and blissfully sleeps on whilst I suffer this affliction of staring into the dark.

Fortunately it's summer and so being awake at this unearthly hour is not unbearable. What does really irritate me are the mosquitoes buzzing annoyingly around my ears just outside the mosquito net. One would think that by now that would have given up all hope of having a meal. Must give them full marks for persistence and zero marks for intelligence.

I now have something to do in these insomniacal hours and that is to keep my blog up to date, something I've severely neglected these past months. If I get out of bed Shirley awakes and I feel bad when she is forced to have a bad day because of me. However, thanks to my daughter, Loren, I now have a new mobile phone that connects through wi-fi to our internet and I can lie here in bed and blog. The story of getting this phone is the subject of a future blog so I'll merely say my lifestyle has been changed somewhat by it. Never thought I would say that about a phone!

I think I should get some e-books downloaded onto the phone so I can do some midnight reading without disturbing Shirley's slumber. Hmm. I think that'll be a project for this weekend. It'll be a good chance to catch up on some classics because they are available free.

The mosquito has not relented and is now in serious danger of being the target of some Doom spray. The only problem with that being the cat who also shares the bed will screech out of here as if I were out to annihilate her.

Well goodnight all I am going to drop off hopefully whilst I do some mental planning for our upcoming adventure to Mozambique.

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