Sunday, 14 August 2011

Schoongezicht Hike

Well the hike has come and gone and a great time was had and an exciting time was had by all. We left Johannesburg at about 4pm and I took a slightly wrong route and so ended up with an extra 30mins of driving going through Rustenburg and then then N4 toll route which is a hell drive in the dark. South Africans have the worst driving habits in the world and there were some really scary overtaking manouvres being performed around us.

We heard later that there were some really serious accidents later that evening one of which involved a jack-knifed truck and a car that drove into it. Thankfully we were ahead of the chaos - and no, we did not cause the chaos!

The farm consisted of an old farmhouse, two rondavels and another complex of four bedrooms and a kitchen situated alongside the farmhouse.

Shirley, Loren (our daughter) and I took a lovely six kilometre hike on the Saturday morning after breakfast. The farm is a working cattle farm and also a game farm and we saw some lovely game; impala, wildebeest, mountain buck and great bird life.

Saturday evening was dramatic. Someone running the farm had decided that safe electrical connections were not the order of the day and had rigged up a potentially lethal connection that nearly killed Shirley. She was so badly shocked that she was unconcious for about five minutes and in pain for a lot longer than that. Praise the Lord that Shirley has a strong heart otherwise she would have died with the amount of current that went through her!

This meant that on Sunday we did a short four kilometre hike instead of the long 17 km one. This allowed Loren and me to really explore our photography skills and we experimented to our hearts content amoungst some great scenery. Thank goodness for digital cameras; I can't imagine what it would have cost in the days of 35mm spools!

On the Sunday afternoon we painted and then sculptured with clay and really used our artistic skills (or lack thereof).

I'll include photos a bit later as it's getting late and time for sleep.

Thanks for reading and sharing in our experiences.